Hearing aids are intended to help compensate for your individual hearing loss condition. Whether you are new to using hearing aids or have been wearing them for years, if your hearing aids cause headaches or any other type of pain, there is a solution. If your hearing aid is adjusted properly it will meet your […]
Does it seem as if your hearing aid batteries drain way too fast? Here are some unexpected reasons that may occur. So how far should the charge on my hearing aid battery last? The typical hearing aid battery lasts anywhere between 3 and 7 days. That’s a very wide range. So wide, in fact, that […]
You want to be courteous when you’re talking to friends. At work, you want to appear engaged, even enthralled with what your manager/colleagues/clients are talking about. You regularly find yourself needing family to repeat themselves because it was easier to tune out parts of the conversation that you weren’t able to hear very well. You […]
You’ve been looking forward to this all week: a Zoom call with your son and daughter-in-law. You’ll have a blast and catch-up with your cherished family members. But when the call starts, you are mortified to realize, you can’t hear what your family members are saying. Your hearing aids are in, but everything sounds muffled. […]
Crackling in your ear? Crackling, buzzing, “static”, or whooshing noises in your ear can all be signs of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s some info. Ever hear crackling, buzzing, or thumping sounds that seem to come from nowhere? If you use hearing aids, it may mean that they need to be adjusted or aren’t […]
Hearing loss is typically accepted as simply a normal part of the aging process: as we get older, we begin to hear things a little less clearly. Maybe we need to ask people to speak up or repeat themselves when they talk. Perhaps the volume on our TV keeps going up. We might even discover […]
You totally forgot your hearing exam tomorrow, but that’s not really unusual, you’ve been really busy. Fortunately, you just got that reminder text from us, and you still have some time to prepare. So… what should you do? Hearing exams aren’t like those days in college or high school where you’d have to pull an […]
You’ve got a lively summer planned. Plenty of beach time and lots of swimming for sure. You’ll enjoy some live entertainment, you’ll get plenty of exercise jogging or possibly playing some tennis, then it’s time to hit the grill. Your schedule will be quite full. So it’s essential that your hearing aids are prepared. Summer […]
Keep your eyes on the road. While this might be sound advice, what about your other senses? As an example, consider the amount of work your ears are doing while driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other individuals in your vehicle, call your attention to important info appearing on your dashboard, and help […]
When is it time to have your hearing checked? Here are four indicators that you need to get your hearing assessed. I guess my TV is frequently turned up to the point where my kids recently complained. And guess what I said. I said, “What”? It was a joke. I thought it was funny. But, […]