For you and the people you love, living with hearing loss can be difficult to adjust to. It can also come with some dangers. What happens if a fire alarm is going off or someone is yelling out your name but you’re unable to hear them? If you have neglected hearing loss, you won’t be […]
Even when it’s somewhat minor, hearing loss can have a major impact on your life. The way you interact with friends, coworkers, and family members can change dramatically. Everyday tasks like going to the grocery store can become more challenging. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be all doom and gloom. If you use […]
If you begin talking about dementia at your next family gathering, you will probably put a dark cloud above the whole event. The subject of dementia can be really scary and most people aren’t going to go out of their way to discuss it. Dementia, which is a degenerative cognitive condition, makes you lose touch […]
You go into the kitchen to find a snack. Do you want something salty… how about crackers? Oooo, chips! Hold up. Maybe this leftover slice of cheesecake. Actually, maybe you should just have a banana. A banana is a healthier option after all. Everything is interrelated in the human body. So the fact that what […]
No two cases of hearing loss are identical Just because two people have the same hearing loss condition doesn’t mean they will have exactly the same experience. Each instance of hearing loss is unique. While it might be beneficial to learn about somebody else’s journey with hearing loss, it is crucial that you keep in […]
Gatherings. So many family gatherings. During the holidays, it most likely seems like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost uncle almost every weekend. That’s the charm (and, some would say, the curse) of the holiday season. Usually, this kind of yearly catching up is something that’s pleasing to anticipate. You get to check in […]
You’re assaulted by noise as soon as you arrive at the yearly company holiday party. The din of shouted conversations, the clanging of glasses, and the throbbing beat of music are all mixing in your ears. You’re not enjoying it at all. You can’t hear anything in this loud setting. You can’t keep up with […]
There are other symptoms of a cold that are less prevalent than the widely recognized runny nose. One kind of cold you don’t often hear about is the one that moves into one or both ears. This form of cold can be more harmful than a common cold and shouldn’t ever be dismissed. What does […]
You’ve been putting off calling us to see if you need hearing aids, but you’ve finally decided it’s time. You have been resisting this like so many others. But the inconvenience, the lost moments, the missing conversations, they all finally became too hard to ignore. So it’s a little frustrating when you’re at the hearing […]
It’s hard to comprehend but most people have gone more than ten years without having a hearing test. One of those individuals is Harper. She reports to her doctor for her annual medical test and gets her teeth cleaned every six months. She even gets her timing belt replaced every 6000 miles! But her hearing […]