Musicians are awesome! Their performances bring us so much enjoyment. The drawback is that music is almost always loud, in fact, many individuals prefer it that way. The musicians themselves are at an increased risk of hearing damage since they are subjected to loud music just about every day. Whether your income relies on music […]
Self-diagnosing hearing loss is basically impossible. For instance, you can’t really put your ear up to a speaker and subjectively calculate what you hear. That means that if you want to understand what’s going on with your hearing, you need to take a test. Now, before you begin sweating or fidgeting anxiously, it’s important to […]
The majority of individuals don’t want to talk about the effect hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people cope with. Both partners can feel frustrated by the misunderstandings that are caused by hearing loss. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner isn’t it a great time to express your love […]
Have you ever seen a t-shirt promoted as “one size fits all” but when you went to put it on, you were disheartened to find that it didn’t fit at all? It’s sort of a bummer, isn’t it? There aren’t really very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s not […]
Feel like you might be forgetting something important? You aren’t imagining it. Remembering everyday things is becoming more and more difficult. Once you notice it, memory loss seems to advance quickly. The more aware you are of it, the more incapacitating it becomes. Did you know memory loss is linked to hearing loss? If you […]
It’s important to educate yourself about hearing loss, especially if you or someone you know is dealing with it. Armed with accurate information, you can steer clear of making bad decisions and will be better able to cope with your condition. Here are some popular myths to disregard when you have minor hearing loss. Hearing […]
Bananas taste a lot different then they did in the past. There are rather different types of bananas being grown today by banana farmers. Today’s banana can develop successfully in a wide variety of climates, are more resilient, and can develop faster. And they taste very different. So how did this swap occur without us […]
Every day scientists are finding new cures. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. For instance, you may look at promising new research in the arena of curing hearing loss and you figure you don’t really have to be all that careful. You’ll feel like they will likely have a cure for […]
Have you resisted the calls from friends, family, and co-workers to finally get a hearing aid? Are you feeling that presently you really don’t need a hearing aid or that you’re not losing enough to justify purchasing one? If your hearing keeps getting worse, it could cost you as much as $30,000 each year, even […]
If you’re exposed to a lot of loud sound and don’t wear ear protection, you might experience hearing loss down the road. Hearing loss may be in your future, for example, if you work on a loud factory floor without hearing protection. These hearing loss causes are fairly common. But there’s a new fighter in […]