How to Drive Safely When You’re Dealing With Hearing Loss

Older man behind the wheel of his car excited to drive since he solved his hearing loss.

Hearing loss is a common challenge for older individuals, but does it warrant quitting driving? Driving habits differ amongst different people so the response isn’t straightforward.

Even if some adjustments have to be made to the volume of the radio, hearing loss shouldn’t mean a seasoned driver has to stop driving.

For individuals who commute on a regular basis the question of whether hearing loss poses a threat while driving is a significant consideration. Is your hearing loss making you a hazardous driver?

Think beyond driving…

If you are noticing hearing loss, it won’t have a significant impact on your driving ability…yet. That day is coming, though, if you choose to just dismiss your decline.

There is a strong connection between hearing health and brain health, as reported by Johns Hopkins Medicine. Battling to hear forces the brain to use valuable resources just to comprehend what individuals are saying. It has a negative impact on cognition and can play a role in the onset of dementia. Driving is definitely out of the question for somebody who has dementia.

If you have hearing loss, can you still drive?

You can still drive with hearing loss, but it should be mentioned that safe driving demands strong observational skills including auditory awareness. Among the approximately 48 million Americans who suffer from hearing loss, most of them still drive as reported by the Center for Hearing Communication.

Tips for driving if you have hearing loss

With some adjustments, you can still remain safe on the road. Here are some tips.

Quit procrastinating

Visit us, get a hearing test, and consider how hearing aids can change things for you. Hearing aids can help eliminate the “should I be driving with hearing loss” question.

When you drive, be more observant

Even if you have hearing aids, you will still need to be a more observant driver to ensure you’re not missing anything in or surrounding your vehicle.

Keep the noise down inside your car

This will help you be less distracted. Ask your passengers to chat more quietly and keep the radio down or off.

Remember to look at your dashboard frequently

When you drive with hearing loss, the little things can mount up. For instance, you won’t hear that clicking noise that lets you know that your turn signal is on. You will have to rely on your eyes to pick up the slack, so get in the habit of scanning your dashboard to see what your car is trying to tell you.

Make maintenance a priority

You might not hear that rattling noise under the hood anymore or the warning bell telling you there is an issue with your engine or another crucial component. That is a significant safety hazard, so make a point of having your car serviced routinely. For individuals with hearing loss, this is crucial, even more so than it would be for somebody without hearing loss.

Watch the other cars closely

Of course, you would do that anyway, but you want to look for signs you may be missing something. If you see other cars pulling off the road, you should do that as well because you may have missed the sirens. Use the behavior of other drivers to get some visual hints about traffic patterns around you.

So is it possible to safely drive when you have hearing loss? It’s really a personal decision. Your other senses will usually adjust to help keep you safe, which means it is possible to drive safely even if your hearing has started to go. But if you’re feeling concerned about it, schedule an appointment to come see if we can help you improve your situation, possibly by using hearing aids.

Come in and let us help you improve your quality of life by exploring the hearing solutions that will be appropriate for your unique hearing situation.


The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.